
Friday, 12 June 2015

6 Tips And Tricks For Monitoring Your Kids Twitter Account

Gone are those days when you plan to arrange hobby classes for your kids. Teens of today, believes and loves to be in their online social world. Research says, After WhatsApp and Facebook, Twitter is the hot favorite of the social media users. The teenagers, maintain their ranking and go head over heels to be on the top hierarchy by having massive followers. Don’t trust them, if your kid says that they don’t have an account on it.

For it serves a bucketful of funny videos, trendy stuffs, latest music & movie reviews, celebrities tweets, etc., Indeed all its features magnetize a teen towards it and this is what counts on for a micro-blogging site, to be on the list of their favorite. Not their fault, even the adults get addicted to it quite swiftly. All this, because Twitter offers 24/7 global news, celebrities gossips, political parties new agendas and portfolios and what not, encompassing in just 120 characters. Interesting, isn’t it?

As the phenomena of nature, Everything has got a wrong side too! The extremely small all-encompassing meeting room is also a bull’s-eye for online hunters, predators, phedophiles, stalkers, bullies etc.. Therefore, in one line, just take a timeout and set forth some thumb-rules for your little ones to use this wondrous social networking site.
Put A Tick On All Of The Following 6 Points As A Thumb Rules For Your Tweeting Teens 

  1. Mark The Privacy Settings: Always make sure to turn on the privacy when you use any social media. This is done in order to make yourself prevented from any sort of vulnerability. Switching on the privacy mode will let the person ask for your kid’s permission/approval before following him/her. Just go to Setting>Account>Select the Protect My Tweets tab.
  1. Be Within Your Limits: Guide your kids on how to be within their limits while using a social networking site. The children should know about the adverse effects of posting their personal information, foul comments, picture that depicts discrimination, inequality, racism, war, provocation, etc.. They should not come into the connection of any stranger or unknown person.  

  1. Spy On Their Tweets: To correctly monitor their online actions you need to take assistance of any reliable spy software's. Purchase Spymaster Pro, the most genuine spy app and get it manually ingrained on to their cell phones. Doing this, will let you see what kind of tweet they compose and post daily with date and time stamp. Also know the list of their followers and the one who they are following. Know what kind of images or videos they post on the famous social platform. With this app you have ample other things to bag.
  1. Know The Impact First: Let your child know that they should use the micro-blogging site only for fun and to be updated. They should duly know the result of tweeting any sort of hate speech, conversation with the unknown and unidentified people, etc.. Make them a responsible person by letting them first know the impact of their actions.

  1. Sharing Password Is Big NO NO: No matter a person is your friend or foe, sharing a password should not be done under any circumstances. Sharing confidential things like passwords can make you an open book on a social media. Therefore, avoid showcasing camaraderie with anyone. Don’t even discuss about this out of fun or joke. Security keys should be kept hidden and not meant for sharing.
  1. Don’t Tolerate The Creepies And Haters: Do not let anyone take undue advantage of your child’s innocence. Teach them to keep you informed of any sort of ill-happenings held over the social networking site. Mentor them how to keep distance with the creepy people and how to manage those bullies. Ask your kids, not to be hesitant and share about the online conflicts with you. If the hatred cross the saturation point then immediately report abuses on Twitter’s Safety Center.

Now its the high-time when you being a parent become internet savvy, as learning the rope is crucial. Get acquainted with each and every aspect of the social media, lest your kids have to run into the bad weather. Learn the jargon's and act accordingly.  You can learn it from here. Before setting any kind of ground rules, you need to get expertise with the particular thing. Keep a regular check with your little tweeting kid’s account, know if they are following the rules led by you. Hold sway over them if they fail to keep the rules intact.

If you are aware of any other tips, do draft it in our comment box.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Is Online Dating Safe for your teen in the age of Social Media?

The literal definition of dating has been changed in the present era. The digitized generation has actually flipped the description of the latter term. Previously, In 80s, people use to meet and greet in person, share their happy moments, give and take time to know each other. Fine dining, watching romantic movies together and spending quality time with one another were all those things that allowed them to conclude that they’re finally in a relationship.  

The conditions of being into a love relationship is altered with modernization. Unlike previous days, It is a cake to get a dating partner with just one click. Through SNS [Social Networking Sites] like Facebook, WhatsApp, BBM, Snapchat, etc. you can not only reach out to your childhood acquaintances, or any random people whom you may know since very beginning but it also helps in looking out for any unidentified person who sounds to be cool, amusing and appealing. And meeting online with attractive strangers, it’s but obvious to fall for a person with whom you chat day long and share every small bits of your personal life with!  

Why Online Dating Is Not A Good Idea?

Here are some of the points that states why it isn’t a good idea to meet personally with a person whom you first met online. Follow along:

  1. In present days, people don’t date, they actually hook;
  2. Online predator waits for someone to come into their trap;
  3. Knowing someone’s personal information through online chats is one of the biggest tactics used by the phedophiles;
  4. It starts with a non-injurious flirtation and ends up with a self destructive situations;
  5. Online meeting means trusting someone blindly;
  6. By filming your nudity and sharing it with your mystery wo/man is indeed jeopardizing your future/romantic life.
Read On Some Tips And Tricks Which Could Help You Not Be Victimized By The Online Predators :

  1. DON’T Share Your Personal Identity And Information:  

    What’s the hurry? Do not open up too quickly in front of an unknown person, if you're planning to date him/her who happened to met you through social media. It’s often observed that people, especially teens, begin to share their personal information with the strangers that can extend to the limits of giving their house addresses, seductive pictures, social media accounts credentials, etc.. Regardless of the fact that the person is harmless or not, The attitude of sharing everything can take you to the self-damaging situations.

  1. DO Mark Your Online Activities:

    Be careful of what you’re clicking on! You mustn’t essentially “like” or “comment” on each and every post, especially which is publicized by the unfamiliar person. Doing this may throw lights on you and your profile. Particularly the wrong ones, get a way to stalk you. The thumb rule here is to NEVER like or comment on the nude and seductive pictures or videos. Just ignore or Report Abuse if you don’t like to see it on the social platform. Not considering your activities on social networking sites can accelerates the possibilities of online conflicts, flirting, bullying, etc..

  1. Do NOT Accept or Send Friend Request To Unknowns: 

    This is one of the major mistakes that people does on SNS. Accepting or allowing anyone to become your ‘friend’ is indeed a foolishness. How? Say, suppose, You’ve checked-in your present location or updated a status saying “Alone @ Home”, by this you have openly allowed the phedophiles to stalk or attack you. Acknowledging anyone as a “friend” will also allow the strangers to see/copy/save your personal snaps and data, which they may use for harassing you in future. Therefore, Make friendship with those whom you believe to be trustworthy.


  1. DO Discuss With Parents Or Friends About Your Social Life: 

    I know it’s quite difficult to share everything about your privacy with your parents or close friends. But it is crucial to brief them out with whom you chat or friends-with on SNS. Brim them with what kind of communication you do online. If not with parents, then definitely with the friends to take advice before getting into any relationship with your ‘online friend’. Your peers will help you out in knowing if you’re going well or if it’s a wrong or “too-early” to start a courtship. They will assist in letting you know if the person you’re about to date with or already dating with is a right person or not.

  1. Do NOT publicize Socially About Your Love Life: 

    If your love-interest isn’t behaving the way you want him/her to then don’t start publicizing it online. Show all your aggressions face-to-face or on phone, sort it out with an ease. It is a Big No-No to share the bad times of your relationship on social media, Good times can definitely be shared. Yelling on your partner, publically would only bag you lots of likes and ample amount of global knowledge/advices in your comment box. Because going crazy by ranting on him/her will push you to become a show-stealer or may be the matter of joke for the social world.         

Suggestion To The Parents
After following along the aforementioned dos and don’ts, I would like to give some advice to the parents section as well. Here it goes:
  1. Be updated with what your kids are doing online. It is suggestible to use a child monitoring software to check what are they upto;
  2. If your child come and confess about his/her mistakes, try to help them out to get over with it;
  3. Make your kids understand, how to behave online. Keep a track of their online actions;
  4. Try and make them understand that there is a certain age for loving or dating someone;
  5. Gain their confidence. Let them know that you’re there to back them when life puts them down.

Forget About Searching Your Love Interest Online

According to the report issued by the Pew Survey, titled ‘Just forget about searching your love interest online’, Looking for a dating partner online is a not-so-good idea. 80 per cent of the people, from the age of 13-35, Create their profile on the social networking sites to look for a loving or dating partner. Meeting a stranger online, after that greeting them offline can be very dangerous and risky, considering all the above mentioned points. Therefore, it is advisable, Not to take any step amateurishly and emotionally especially when you’re dating ONLINE.    

Monday, 1 June 2015

How To Track, Tap or Spy on your Wife’s iPhone?

To have a trustworthy partner is a biggest sign of a successful married life. It is like leading an amicable life without any hustle and bustle. But here the situation is different! Ambiguity, suspicion, cheating, two-facing are some of the words which have become an admitted and familiar part of people’s life. Married couples who have probably completed a considerable years of age together are now double-crossing each other by having or probably enjoying their lives by having an extra-marital affair.

In the aforementioned situation, what all could you do?-- hire a detective or chase her wherever she goes and with an ear and eye open see with whom is she meeting, etc. Is that what you’re planning? Well, frankly and factually speaking, what you’re outlining is actually a  flop show! Until when will you run after her? And with this you will be able to know what is she doing in your absence? The answer is No!! The only thing which can help you with knowing the truth is her cell phone.
Yes! Your wife’s mobile phone can answer all your questions like with whom is she - chatting, talking, meeting, sharing multimedia, etc. which are eating up your brain like a termite. But how will you grab her iPhone, if anything is going fishy? From here the role of a spyware starts…
Now here a monitoring spy software can assist you in seeing a true picture of what is going on in your life!       
Need To Eye On Her Smartphone?
The truth which is camouflage in her phone needs to be digged out but silently, smartly and without her knowing. To unfold the reality that whether you actually have a cheating spouse or not, you require a spy software. With much ado let’s get an insight of the spouse monitoring app.

Check Its Supportability! 

First and foremost, choose any of the spy software and check it’s official website. Choose  the software according to the compatibility of her iPhone. Head towards next step once you get the correct version of the spy app which supports your wife’s device like iPhone, Android, etc.

Downloading and Installation!
To acquire such powerful software you need to first purchase it online and then accomplish the procedure of downloading and installing it on your target (wife’s) iPhone. From then and there, the app starts doing its task of tracking her text messages, chat conversations, GPS Location, email tracing, and what not!

Personal Account

Once you register and buy a software, you will be served with a your personal account’s details. A personal account- from where you can view all the information of darling mistress phone. You will be provided with an authorised username and password to connect with the web-based repository account. All the data will be directly transferred to your online account and is only accessible by you.

What Can Be Digged Out From The Targeted Phone?

Without unfolding the truth, one cannot approach someone especially to a spouse to confront his/her infidelity. Hence, you should have a solid proofs to catch-hold of her red handedly.

Following are the things which you can drill out from her phone:

  1. You can read all her text messages: sent/received, deleted;

  2. You can read all her chat messengers like Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, and BBM conversation;

  3. You can read all her emails-read, unread and deleted;
  4. You can have the details of the call logs, call summaries, phonebook, etc;
  5. You can eavesdrop to his phone calls by recording and also keeping it for future purpose;
  6. You leaf through all her multimedia viz. images- selfies, snapshots, video and audio files that is being saved and shared by her;
  7. You can check all her browsed URL links.
  8. You can trace her foot marks by knowing her GPS Location;
  9. Amazingly you can also know that with whom is she presently with (of course in your absence) by activating a surround listening facility.

I hope this would be more than sufficient in brimming you about the merits of having a spy software. It brings peace of mind in your life as you become sure of what is happening behind your back. Be clear of the reality before doubting the one on whom you showered all your love!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Hack or track your children's Smartphone activity by Stalking them For Their Own Safety!

The First Cell Phone: Rules for Responsibility

''The present era has scared me from giving a cell phone to my kids. It is not safe anymore. Am I overreacting or should I actually stalk my teens mobile phone?" -Natalia

To allot your kid with their first cell phone is a problematic and terrifying situation. It’s horrible with the perspective of the fact that, besides being an essential tool to connect, it is on the contrary, the one which disconnects you with the entire world. The present generation has got addicted with the word “smartphone”. Handover an unmonitored gadget to a teen, can lead to gruesome circumstances. For online predators and pedophiles, the social networking sites has become the new playground. Here, they can trap and play with the lives of n number of innocent buds. Hence, Kids get indulged into things like, sexting, cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, drug addiction, etc.. It is also being noticed several times, that children do texting while driving, which is hazardous too.    
Indeed, An apparent menace is awaiting in the outer world as your child virtually steps out of  your secured home. What survey says about this habit of activities done by the genx:
  •  Kids devote their entire night in texting;
  • Children who share their bedrooms with parent(s), underhandedly involve in texting hiding under the blanket or pillow;
  • 35 per cent of children make profile on social media then get connected with the strangers and share personal information with them;
  • Surprisingly, Only eleven per cent guardians are aware of their kids habit of exchanging sexual content through text messages;
  • Only 41 per cent teens accept to do so;
  • Merely 1-2 per cent parents confidently says that their kids have ever used cell phones;
  • Only 4 per cent parents trust their teens for not using cellphones while driving;
  • While on an average, 45 per cent of the teens accept that they use their cellphones while driving.
How To Check If Your Child Is Safe Or Already Victimized By The Predators?
As mentioned before, Majority of parents are unaware of the facts regarding the safety of their kids. Parents need to figure out the red flags as the alarming signal that signifies that your children is in the immense trouble. Always keep in mind that the stalkers and predators are experienced enough to lure and trap the kids into their net. Therefore, Mark and look for the following signs given below:
  • Your child is clinging with his/her cell phone day long, especially during late nights;
  • Late at nights, you realize that your child is on phone;
  • S/He locks itself in the room during odd times;
  • Your child is accepting the delivery of gifts from the recipient who are unknown to you;
  • S/He keep himself/herself discarded from the rest of the family members;
  • S/He started preferring to be unsociable;
  • Do you know why s/he is using email id with different name?

If your child is scared, Then beware, s/he may try to attempt suicide out of anxiety, annoyance, cyber-harassment, depression, etc.. Take a due care of them if they often fall sick or frequently losing weight. This happens because they feel they can never come out of the stalker’s trap. Yes! Due to unsound sleeps and problem in concentrating, your child isn’t able to perform well academically also.  
Educating And Alarming Is Crucial
Informing the teenagers about the problems that are lurking in the external world is very imperative. It’s pivotal to educate them regarding the dangers like cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, etc.. But is it easy to make them understand about those threats? Well the answer is NO. So lets check how to responsibly stalk the kids to prevent them from getting stalked.

Follow along the handbook:
  1. Set Forth The Thumb Rules: Before providing the cell phone, You can set the ground rules to use it in front of your kids. Decorum and disciplines are maintained by your kids, if only it’s enforceable by you. Let’em have the fear of snatching back the cell phone if they violates the rules.
  2. Use Cell Phone Monitoring Software: If you still doubt that whatever you’re scanning on their cell phones are just half-the-truth then take the aid of child monitoring software. This will help you in knowing if your child is actually following the ground rules told by you. Just download and install the software into their mobile phones and know each and everything about their actions. The monitoring app will get you all the authentic reports right from the call log details to which kind of websites they browse. And yes it’s completely secretive. It silently fetch all the data from your kid’s cell phone and deliver it to your control panel. The app minutely figure out the information without failing to bag the attested records as well. Not only this but it also allows you to see and analyze the materials which have been deliberately deleted by your kids. Try it. It is very effective.
  3. No Communication Gap: There shouldn’t be any communication gap between you and your child. Be close enough to them to smartly know what is happening in their life, how their studies are going on, what kind of friend circle do they’ve, what are they up to on social networking sites, etc.. Nothing should be kept hidden, everything should be talked off openly. Aware them to maintain one-hand distance from the strangers. Teach them, how to identify the tricks of pedophiles and online predators 
  4. Scrutinize The Cell phone:  Give a check to what kind of conversation your children does, what sort of language they use while conversing, how frequently they use their cell phones, what kind of apps they use, review the entire cell phone thoroughly. This needs to be done quite often. Let not the gadget be unmonitored and neglected. There shouldn’t be any security lock system, rather it should be completely accessible by you.
  5. Trust And Back Them: They need you, be with them. Even if they fails to follow the rules urged by you. Offer them your time and make them speak out as much as they can, let them pour their heart out in front of you. Take the responsibility of the troubles that might be approaching their ways. I know this is a tough battle to fight, but in any case, you’ve to win it. Don’t let them be your slaves with your strictness. Support them and make them self-dependent. Let them know that you trust them.
For every parent it is quite difficult to keep a tab on their kids as they’re one step ahead of their birth givers. Therefore you need to walk with them shoulder to shoulder. Become tech savvy, let them realize that you know every ounce of this new cyber world. Follow them virtually and responsibly, wherever they go and prevent them from all the danger bells. Their safety should be your prime concern.