
Showing posts with label kids monitoring software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids monitoring software. Show all posts

Monday, 8 June 2015

Is Online Dating Safe for your teen in the age of Social Media?

The literal definition of dating has been changed in the present era. The digitized generation has actually flipped the description of the latter term. Previously, In 80s, people use to meet and greet in person, share their happy moments, give and take time to know each other. Fine dining, watching romantic movies together and spending quality time with one another were all those things that allowed them to conclude that they’re finally in a relationship.  

The conditions of being into a love relationship is altered with modernization. Unlike previous days, It is a cake to get a dating partner with just one click. Through SNS [Social Networking Sites] like Facebook, WhatsApp, BBM, Snapchat, etc. you can not only reach out to your childhood acquaintances, or any random people whom you may know since very beginning but it also helps in looking out for any unidentified person who sounds to be cool, amusing and appealing. And meeting online with attractive strangers, it’s but obvious to fall for a person with whom you chat day long and share every small bits of your personal life with!  

Why Online Dating Is Not A Good Idea?

Here are some of the points that states why it isn’t a good idea to meet personally with a person whom you first met online. Follow along:

  1. In present days, people don’t date, they actually hook;
  2. Online predator waits for someone to come into their trap;
  3. Knowing someone’s personal information through online chats is one of the biggest tactics used by the phedophiles;
  4. It starts with a non-injurious flirtation and ends up with a self destructive situations;
  5. Online meeting means trusting someone blindly;
  6. By filming your nudity and sharing it with your mystery wo/man is indeed jeopardizing your future/romantic life.
Read On Some Tips And Tricks Which Could Help You Not Be Victimized By The Online Predators :

  1. DON’T Share Your Personal Identity And Information:  

    What’s the hurry? Do not open up too quickly in front of an unknown person, if you're planning to date him/her who happened to met you through social media. It’s often observed that people, especially teens, begin to share their personal information with the strangers that can extend to the limits of giving their house addresses, seductive pictures, social media accounts credentials, etc.. Regardless of the fact that the person is harmless or not, The attitude of sharing everything can take you to the self-damaging situations.

  1. DO Mark Your Online Activities:

    Be careful of what you’re clicking on! You mustn’t essentially “like” or “comment” on each and every post, especially which is publicized by the unfamiliar person. Doing this may throw lights on you and your profile. Particularly the wrong ones, get a way to stalk you. The thumb rule here is to NEVER like or comment on the nude and seductive pictures or videos. Just ignore or Report Abuse if you don’t like to see it on the social platform. Not considering your activities on social networking sites can accelerates the possibilities of online conflicts, flirting, bullying, etc..

  1. Do NOT Accept or Send Friend Request To Unknowns: 

    This is one of the major mistakes that people does on SNS. Accepting or allowing anyone to become your ‘friend’ is indeed a foolishness. How? Say, suppose, You’ve checked-in your present location or updated a status saying “Alone @ Home”, by this you have openly allowed the phedophiles to stalk or attack you. Acknowledging anyone as a “friend” will also allow the strangers to see/copy/save your personal snaps and data, which they may use for harassing you in future. Therefore, Make friendship with those whom you believe to be trustworthy.


  1. DO Discuss With Parents Or Friends About Your Social Life: 

    I know it’s quite difficult to share everything about your privacy with your parents or close friends. But it is crucial to brief them out with whom you chat or friends-with on SNS. Brim them with what kind of communication you do online. If not with parents, then definitely with the friends to take advice before getting into any relationship with your ‘online friend’. Your peers will help you out in knowing if you’re going well or if it’s a wrong or “too-early” to start a courtship. They will assist in letting you know if the person you’re about to date with or already dating with is a right person or not.

  1. Do NOT publicize Socially About Your Love Life: 

    If your love-interest isn’t behaving the way you want him/her to then don’t start publicizing it online. Show all your aggressions face-to-face or on phone, sort it out with an ease. It is a Big No-No to share the bad times of your relationship on social media, Good times can definitely be shared. Yelling on your partner, publically would only bag you lots of likes and ample amount of global knowledge/advices in your comment box. Because going crazy by ranting on him/her will push you to become a show-stealer or may be the matter of joke for the social world.         

Suggestion To The Parents
After following along the aforementioned dos and don’ts, I would like to give some advice to the parents section as well. Here it goes:
  1. Be updated with what your kids are doing online. It is suggestible to use a child monitoring software to check what are they upto;
  2. If your child come and confess about his/her mistakes, try to help them out to get over with it;
  3. Make your kids understand, how to behave online. Keep a track of their online actions;
  4. Try and make them understand that there is a certain age for loving or dating someone;
  5. Gain their confidence. Let them know that you’re there to back them when life puts them down.

Forget About Searching Your Love Interest Online

According to the report issued by the Pew Survey, titled ‘Just forget about searching your love interest online’, Looking for a dating partner online is a not-so-good idea. 80 per cent of the people, from the age of 13-35, Create their profile on the social networking sites to look for a loving or dating partner. Meeting a stranger online, after that greeting them offline can be very dangerous and risky, considering all the above mentioned points. Therefore, it is advisable, Not to take any step amateurishly and emotionally especially when you’re dating ONLINE.    

Monday, 6 April 2015

Spy On Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Children's Text Messages and Emails from a Cell Phone

In this technologically driven era, Most of the conversations are done through textual messages. Half of the story can be known about a person by reading his/her cell phone’s SMSs, Emails and IM chats. But the truth is you can not just think of touching someone’s phone and that of reading the message in it without his/her consent. Taking permission and reading it is, Of course a foolish idea because people who are close to you will never want you to nose into their secret life. They will completely deny to show up or would simply delete and then display it.  
Teens Cell Phone Monitoring

So, Is there any way out for this? There is no point of grabbing the target user’s cell phone and read their messages when the absolute one is already missing. One should have a tool that lets you go through all the textual conversation done by your spouse, child or employee with their individual circles, No matter whether the communication exists or already deleted by them. Do you think a magic wand would help, Huh? Here the only thing that could work out is a Cell phone monitoring software.

Yes! The spy software that are available online are the best aid to your problems. Choosing the best one is your task. You are advised to do a lot of research work before investing into one of those. Read articles, reviews, scan the official websites, learn more and more about the particular product before hitting into the Buy Now or Get It Now button. The software that are manually installed on the marked person’s cell phone are the most genuine ones. Beware of the spy apps that come with a flashy slogans that depicts you can remotely install it on your target user’s cell phone.

Installation Procedure
Spymaster Pro
  1. Go Manual: Its simple! You just need to grasp the target’s cell phone in your hand, And henceforth download the spy app on your marked person’s mobile phone after making its payment. Right after that, Click the installation button to finally equip the specific mobile phone with your selected spyware. Always remember that the initial procedure will be done manually and NOT remotely.

  1. Compatibility Test: Do NOT forget to take the compatibility test. It is one of the most important steps to be done before you think of purchasing any particular monitoring app. You require to check the series of cell phone and the mobile operating system that the chosen spy app supports. The buyer can bump into a major problem if s/he isn’t gone through this particular procedure.

  1. Check The Repudiation: Mostly people fail to go through the disclaimer section of a product while purchasing it. You must always go through the clauses set forth by the company. Going beyond or above the given disclaimer counts on your fault not of the organization that are exchanging its product with you for a defined amount of money.        

Now, Check With The Type Of Data That You Can Bag Through Spy Software:
Children Cell Phone Monitoring

You can grab ample amount of information backing with the support of a cell phone monitoring app, Lets see what are those:

  • SMSs and Email: Incoming/Outgoing, read, unread, spam and deleted;

  • The Call-logs: Call history, summary, contact persons’ name and number, their tagged information;

  • Instant Messenger App Data: WhatsApp messenger, Viber, BBM, Snapchat, Facebook, etc. chat conversation, shared medias and contacts;

  • Phonebook Log: All the saved numbers with their names, addresses, emails ids, birthdays (if saved), etc.;

  • Multimedia Log: The complete shared/saved/clicked pictures, video clips, audio folders, etc.;

  • Browsed URL Log: Shared links, browsed websites, most visited websites, etc.;

  • GPS Location: Whereabouts of the targeted person with date and time stamp;

  • Call Listening: Live phone call listening, recording, with date and time print;

  • Surround Listening: Listening and recording of the environment sounds with date and time details.

The conclusion that can be drawn after reading this article is every information can be acquired by just installing the right application on the cellphones of your loving and most treasured ones. Go for it today for quick action.  

Saturday, 27 December 2014

What To Do If Your daughter Is Being Bullied

Is your daughter’s behaviour has suddenly changed? Has she become outrageous and prevalent towards you? Does she always take a narrow escape from your questions? If yes, then what is the reason behind her such awkward conduct? Have you thought about it? 

With the advancement of technology, the root cause can be the Bullying or rather Cyberbullying! Yes, give it a thought? Your beloved daughter might be getting bullied either online or offline. The social networking websites where she used to chat and share her pictures with her nexus could have become a headache for her now because she’s being threatening by her so-called friends.

Just tick down the below points and verify if the similar conduct exist in your daughter’s present behaviour. 

  • Is she hiding her cell phone because she’s getting the insulting and threatening text messages on her cell phone from the bullies?
  • Is her cell phone ringing with numerous silent or abusive calls?
  • Is she receiving the abusive audios or verbal message clips?
  • Is she becoming the victim of stolen identity?

If you feel that any of the aforementioned points are bothering your daughter then she must be in a vulnerable position. All your daughter needs is your help, love and care at this moment. Perhaps, she wouldn’t share anything with you because of her own unknown reasons or we can say, all the teenagers hate when their privacy is intruded especially if it is being done by their parents. But being a parent it is crucial that you monitor their activities and safeguard them from getting into any further problems. 

Countermeasures To Protect Your Child! 

Hence, the best way to help your child is skimming their smartphone chats/SMS. Read their text messages or chats on WhatsApp or on other instant messengers like Viber, BBM, iMessage, Facebook with the aid of the Spymaster Pro app. This app will help you monitor the phone activities of your lovable children without even letting them know. Yes, it works in incog mode. Your child will never come to know that they’re being monitored.     

The cell phone monitoring software when installed on your target person’s phone; lets you fetch the details of chat thread into your authorized spy account. All the incoming and outgoing chat messages or SMS are stored in the control panel of the website. You can even check at what time and when the chat held in groups or with the individual has been done as it records the specific time and date stamp of all the chat conversations.

Accumulate More Information About Your Children!
Just by acquiring with this spy software you can not only know about their SMS and chats on IM’s but also discover their whereabouts with the GPS tracker and view their call logs with Phone call Tracker and many more. For example if you feel your child is tech savvy and is covering or hiding all their internet activities then you can visit the browsed web history with the URL tracking feature and also read the emails with the Email tracking feature. 

View their multimedia gallery viz. images, videos and audios and get to know if the bully is sending any of the obscene pictures of your children especially daughter to mentally harass her. Also check the contact list with the Phonebook Access feature.

Finally, I have compiled a list with the best available features to safeguard your loving children safe from all the dangers and menace of getting bullied from a bully!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Teens Expressing Sexuality Over Social Media. Attention Parents!

Social Media - A demand and sometimes a requirement rather a ‘hard-hitting’ word especially for the Genx. It’s flourishing and blooming with the highest pace ever. Every fortnight we could see something new in the landscape of social media. I would suggest you, if you have a teenage kid then surely read this article.

Social networking sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, BBM, etc. are doted on the kids and among the favouritism of their daily routine. These social platforms exhibit the real ‘You’ out of you. Your younger ones, being innocent enough, expose themselves publicly that too beyond the extent of their limits. You, as a parent, need to be more attentive before your kid slip down the shallow pool.   

Read On And Find Measures To Protect And Guide Your Kids From Going Through This Foxy World!

  1. Don’t Say No!

If your kids say that they have an account on the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc, DO NOT ever say a straight NO to their call. Remember if you restrict them to create an account on the latter sites they will just move towards opting for WhatsApp and Viber. They have ample amount of choice. So there is no point of stopping them for whatsoever they want. Let them be a free bird being in the line of your vision.

  1. Become Tech Savvy!

You need to keep up with the speed of the present generation. It really will not work if you say you don’t know anything about social medias but you want to monitor your kid’s public activities. It is utmost important for you to be technological savvy to know what actually your kids are doing online. Here you cannot run away with the excuse of not knowing or understanding the techy stuff.

  1. Monitor Them Incognally!

Take the aid of any of the kids monitoring software available online. With this you can control them remotely by knowing about their expressions and activities on social networking sites. You can know what exactly they are involve into and what they are sharing, saving, uploading, downloading, etc. As a responsible parent you should know about your teens friends circle. With this you can discover if they are in nexus with the stranger or if they are indulged into sexting or sharing some obscene pictures/selfies or some personal details with the unidentified people or not.
  1. Impart Skill To Your Kids!

Let your kids understand that how important their self respect is! Teach them how to fight back bully people and situations. Only you can do it and no one else can teach them the importance of their self-esteem. They should know that they can lose their dignity if they are showcasing themselves sexually over social media sites. A teen should know about the bad consequences if S/He shares a seductive picture/selfie with his/her boyfriend or girlfriend through social platforms. A teen should be a better decision-maker as s/he think twice before s/he lift up any step.    

  1. Go For Permanent Fix!

Do not join them over social sites to humiliate your kids publicly. Although this may counterbalance your temporary problems but it can complicate the situation even more than it is muddled presently. Always check for some permanent fix. When you start counselling them, try to think about the potential long term benefits of your kids instead of resolving only the short term problems. Do not always pester over your kids for the things you want them to do. Try to develop a friendly environment within your house.  

  1. Navigate Your Kid’s Digital Life!

With the help of such smart child monitoring spywares navigate you kid moves online. Know about their Facebook friend’s list. Read the entire chat conversation separately with each of their friends. Be alert lest they upload or share some alluring pictures/selfies online that could degrade his/her reputation socially. Try to always start with giving valid and clean examples. Teach your youngsters that in future if anyone personally or professionally want to know about him/her, s/he will be researched online, therefore s/he should have a clean image on such sites.

  1. Point Out The Difference!

Let them know the difference between talking verbally and that of conversing publically online. Teen should understand that whatever they upload or share, although can be deleted later, but leave a colossal mark on his/her personal reputation. Let them know about the impact of blasphemy in sociable perspective.

Teens are inexperienced...They need to be guided by you by taking the above mentioned concrete measures...It’s imperative!